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Friday, November 14, 2008 @10:45 PM


About Us

We are three crazy passionate Depeche Mode fans embarking on several journeys to see the band on tour for their latest album, "Sounds of the Universe." First we are headed together to the infamous DM fan capitol of the world, Germany. Later this summer, we will be scattered across different shows in North America. These are our stories.

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    I'm a pretty mellow person (when I'm not stressed out about projects) but I love fun and adventure with friends. I enjoy many time-consuming hobbies that often compete with one another, but I'm known for my intense passion in pursuing the things I love.

    DM Fan Since: 1998
    Favorite DM Album: Songs of Faith and Devotion
    Favorite DM Song: "Walking in My Shoes"
    From: Sacramento, CA, USA
    YouTube | Twitter


    I'm extremely energetic and I love to travel. In fact I combine my two main passions, travel and music, by travelling to see my favourite bands. I love going to Germany especially. It's my real life heaven. I'd love to live there..I guess you never know..

    DM Fan Since: 1990
    Favorite DM Album: Songs of Faith and Devotion
    Favorite DM Song: "In Your Room"
    From: Toronto, ON, CA
    YouTube | Twitter


    Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah Blah blah blah blah blah

    DM Fan Since: 1990
    Favorite DM Album: Violator
    Favorite DM Album: "??"
    From: Toronto, ON, CA

    We love David Gahan!

    His Royal Hotness
    Yes, that's right, all three of us are HUGE Dave admirers! But it's not just about his hot body or pretty eyes - we all like Dave (or David, as Tara prefers) for who he is: an amazing man with an indomitable spirit and unbridled passion for his work. Through everything he has dealt with in his life, Dave's striving to be a better artist and a better person is an inspiration to us. He is imperfect, as we all are, but that's what makes him great.

    Our Other Favorite Bands

    Nine Inch Nails
    David Bowie
    Pet Shop Boys
    Smashing Pumpkins

    Our Favorite Links

    Commline - Home of Bong, The Depeche Mode ML
    Depeche Mode's Official Website
    HOME - A Depeche Mode Fansite
    I Can Haz Cheezburger
    Cute Overload


    November 2008


    html base code: Nette
    graphics and css tweeks: Amanda
    brushes: Obsidian Dawn & Bittbox
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    twitter widget: Ronak Patel